Business Development Manager at Morgan Sindall Construction

I have had a varied career that has seen me repairing TVs in people’s homes on Christmas Eve, installing security systems at some of London’s most famous hotels or driving forward change programs in the public sector. Currently, I lead the Business Development focus for Morgan Sindall Construction and have been involved in the construction sector for nearly 10 years. I am also Chairman of Norfolk Constructing Excellence, part of a national body that is focused on delivering change to the industry and face its challenges.

When I was asked why I wanted to support young professionals through, my response was that I started my first business in my early 20s with a very young family and no real idea of what I need to do to make it a success. I just worked hard and hoped it would all work out! I wish I had the opportunity at the time for someone to guide me and share their experience. You can study business, learn on the fly but experience is so vital for sound decision making and long term thinking. I hope the young professionals who engage with gain some benefit from the mistakes and successes others have made, whilst staying true to themselves and never giving up on a good idea”.

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