If all the containers brought to Southampton on the MOL Triumph were laid end to end, they would reach from the south coast port to London, a distance of just over 76 miles.

The largest container ship in the world is 400m long, the equivalent of 27 double-decker buses, and can carry up to 20,000 containers at a time with some stacked 11 high on deck, and a similar number below.

For all its size, the vessel is eco-friendly with energy-saving technologies leading to fuel consumption and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions being cut by up to 30%.

The new 20,000 TEU-class container ships are equipped with various highly advanced energy-saving technologies including low-friction underwater paint, high-efficiency propellers and rudders.

TEU is an abbreviation of 20-foot equivalent, the standard measure of a container.

ABP Southampton Harbour Master Martin Phipps explained that although MOL Triumph is the largest container ship the port’s pilots have brought into Southampton, it is just one of many ships capable of carrying huge loads of this type expected to visit the port this year.

“With a vessel of this size it is important to ensure that other smaller vessels and leisure craft are keeping their distance,” he pointed out. “Our Patrol launch ensured any sight-seers were kept at the correct distance to allow MOL Triumph to continue safely.”


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