Norfolk Chamber has recently been talking to businesses about their future plans to better understand what factors are holding back their potential business growth. The Roundtables were free to attend and held in Great Yarmouth and King’s Lynn. Businesses will have a final chance to have their say at the last Roundtable which will be held in Norwich on Tuesday 11 July 2017.
So far over 40 businesses, of differing sizes and from a diverse range of sectors have attended the Roundtables to help pull together evidence for the updated New Anglia LEP Economic Strategy. Among the common themes in both areas were calls for better road and rail links, such as a fully dualled A47, and faster broadband. They also identified the need for parallel investment to be made in public transport to ensure sustainability of improved infrastructure.
Commenting on the need for improved infrastructure and a strong business input, Norfolk Chamber President, Jonathan Cage said:
“Previous infrastructure campaigns, such as the dualling of the A11 in Norfolk, were won by making clear the benefits to business. We can do a lot with joined-up marketing – that is in our power – however it is harder for us to say we are going to dual the A47. That’s where we need businesses to explain the difference it would make to them.”
Also highlighted as key priorities were improved skills and raising the aspirations of young people; the forging of stronger links between schools and employers; and engagement with students of a younger age.
The new Economic Strategy, will lay out the direction for the Norfolk and Suffolk economies through to 2036, highlighting where key strengths can be supported and where improvements are necessary. The finalised document is due for publication by New Anglia LEP in Autumn 2017.
Another business consideration that came from both Roundtables, was the need for a communication/PR strategy to ‘tell the story’ of Norfolk – to not only say, what a great place to live and work the county is, but to promote our strengths and show what opportunities are available.
The last Norfolk Roundtable will be held in Norwich on 11 July 2017. Ensure your business voice is heard by booking your free place now at the Norwich Roundtable.