On a Thursday 11 September over 70 members from across Norfolk joined us at the beautiful venue of Great Yarmouth Town Hall for a breakfast on the topic of sell responsibly, get results.
There was a really positive atmosphere in the room from the delegates networking and making new connections. This followed throughout the morning during the networking icebreaker, breakfast & safari move.
Host, John Morse, president of the Great Yarmouth Chamber Council started the morning off and introduced the sponsor Business in the Community who said a few words about their mentoring scheme for new business and entrepreneurs.
This followed through to breakfast and networking and delegates got to meet a whole new table of contacts through our safari move.
It was then time to hear from Nicola Badley, Environment and Procurement Officer of Blue Sky Leisure who told the delegates how Blue Sky Leisure ensured they used only local suppliers and gave back to the community. This has lead to them winning a multitude of awards including EDP Business of the Year Award 2013.
To conclude the event we heard from NBC Bird & Pest Solutions Managing Director, John Dickson who used his business as a case study of how being a responsible business and community support can help to build strong successful businesses.
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