Commenting after the release of the GCSE grades for 2012, Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber said:
“We congratulate all Norfolk GCSE students today who are reaping the rewards of their hard work . Nationally, the number of pupils achieving top grades has fallen for the first time since the exam was introduced in 1988 although many schools in Norfolk are bucking that trend to report some of their best-ever results.
Young people have a lot to offer, and businesses are keen to employ them. Unfortunately, in recent years too many new employees have lacked basic skills and required remedial training for inadequate literacy and numeracy. Employers must be assured that qualifications reliably reflect a given level of skill, and will welcome an end to artificial grade inflation and planned changes to increase rigour.
“We know that teachers and pupils are working hard to raise genuine skill levels, particularly in English and Maths, and this must remain a top priority. Employers will reject any measure of success that focuses exclusively on the most capable half of students, without supporting other young people in reaching high levels of literacy and numeracy. Norfolk Chamber members are working with schools and their young people to help them understand what is needed from the world of work as they are our employees of the future
“The increase in entries to science exams this summer is good news for business. Young people with strong qualifications in the sciences remain sought-after by employers, and they can expect to succeed in exciting and rewarding careers.
“Chamber research shows that a lack of language skills has been a barrier for Norfolk businesses looking to sell their products and services overseas. One swallow doesn’t make a summer, but we hope the slight rise in entries for modern languages this year is a signal that more students will study a language in future years.”