Norwich Chamber Council met recently and invited Andrew Bell, CEO of Norwich International Airport (NIA) to provide an update on the airport. Andrew advised that NIA had enjoyed 4 years of double-digit growth and that they were now operating a much more streamlined business. Their offshore service was improving and a fourth helicopter had joined the fleet based in Norwich. NIA’s core route is to Amsterdam and this route was performing very well. Andrew also advised that the airport was looking to increase their Summer 2013 programme for package holiday traffic.
The Chamber Council’s economic round table discussions highlighted that Norwich businesses are finding it tough and it was apparent that some firms were finding it hard to finance their growth aspirations, as bank lending was proving difficult. Additionally businesses looking to recruit were struggling to find the right calibre of staff.
The Chamber Council also noted that at present a ballot is being undertaken on the Norwich Business Improvement District (BID) and the voting closes on 30 July 2012.