Across nearly all districts of Norfolk, levels of unemployment fell in June. Overall, the claimant count for Norfolk stood at 7,960, which was a drop of 320 claimants from the previous month. Norfolk is currently ranked 13th in a table of local authorities in the East and south East.
Every district except Broadland recorded a fall in their claimant count rate. Norwich recorded the largest fall in claimant numbers with a drop of 5.7%. King’s Lynn and West Norfolk saw a 2.8% decrease – a better result than the previous month. From a Great Yarmouth perspective, it continued a worrying trend from the previous month with a lack of a strong downward trend in claimant numbers. Their claimant count stands at 2,895 from a total of 2,960 last month.
Ordinarily it is expected that the Great Yarmouth claimant count falls drastically in the summer months, given the local job market’s seasonal pattern. Some on this anomaly can probably be assigned to the shift to full implementation of the Universal Credit, however a continuing trend would be a greater concern.