Norfolk Chamber of Commerce is passionate about supporting young people to help them to develop their talents and achieve their aspirations. To tie in with the Chamber’s ongoing campaign encouraging the growth and advancement of Norfolk’s young people, it has established a Fund to support young people locally, creating opportunities and helping them flourish. This is a key priority for the Chamberwith its120 year anniversary in 2016.

The aim of the Norfolk Chamber Community Fund is to provide grant awards to charitable organisations working within Norfolk with young people aged up to 25. The main goal of these grants will be to increase access to employment and training, and so improve the opportunities and career options open to young people across the county.

Grants of up to£2,000are available to support projects focused on championing young people by working with those who are facing particular challenges in accessing employment or training, or developing their skills. Individuals are not eligible to apply.

Eligible projects may include:

  • Providing training, leadership or volunteering opportunities for young people.
  • Projects that support young people who are NEET or at risk of exclusion to access training and develop skills.
  • Jobs clubs and careers support aimed at young people.

Deadline for applications 5pm, Friday 4 November 2016.

For more information about the grant and how to apply visit:


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