Plumstead Road will close to all traffic, including cyclists and pedestrians, in the early hours of Monday, 6 June, for two weeks to allow piling work to be carried out for the bridge that will carry Norwich Northern Distributor Road over Plumstead Road.

Altogether 15 piles are needed each side of Plumstead Road to carry the bridge abutments, and the piling rig has to work too close to the road to allow it to remain open. Single lane working under temporary traffic lights is not possible because of the nearby railway level crossing.

Plumstead Road will therefore be closed between Thorpe End and Little Plumstead, as it was earlier this year for utility service diversions and other preparatory works. It will reopen for the weekend of 11th and 12th June, but will close again for the next week. It will reopen as soon as possible at the end of that week, and by Monday 20th June at the latest. (An update will be provided if work is likely to continue beyond the evening of Friday 17th June.)

The signed diversion will be via Broad Lane, Salhouse Road and Woodside Road. Middle Road is also being reopened to provide an alternative route, closing again once the piling work has finished and Plumstead Road has reopened.

Speed Limits

Temporary speed limits in use at NDR crossing points have been kept under review and a stretch of the B1149 Holt Road between Horsford and Holly Lane will be raised to 40mph. This will cover a short stretch of road between the Drayton Lane area of work, and the main work area around the Holly Lane junction. This change is subject to legal procedures, so the existing 30mph limit will remain in force until the signs have been changed.

The temporary speed limits are to protect the workforce and all road users, including cyclists and pedestrians as they pass through work sites which may feature traffic light controlled plant crossings, narrowed lanes (such as on the A140) and a variety of changes, distractions and hazards that were not in place a few hours earlier.


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