Henry Bellingham, MP for North West Norfolk, highlighted the need for greater improvements to the King’s Lynn to London rail service. Mr Bellingham was speaking at a recent meeting with West Norfolk Chamber Council.

Mr Bellingham commented that with First Capital Connect’s franchise agreement coming up for renewal, now was the time for local businesses to lobby for improvements to the rail service.

He said: “The following three criteria should be part of any new franchise agreement: Firstly Selective Locking on the rolling stock to allow for longer trains. At present, some station platforms are unable to take longer trains, due to the length of their platforms. Selective locking would allow longer trains to stops at all stations and carriages not able to reach the platform should be locked for safety reasons.

“Secondly, the Ely junction needs to be upgraded to allow for a faster train service. Lastly, refreshment trollies should be reinstated on the train service.”


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