The King’s Lynn Business Improvement District (BID) is a unique opportunity for businesses to input and dictate the projects required to give the town centre a major improvement over a five year period.

Their Draft Business Plan has now been published and they are seeking views from businesses across King’s Lynn town centre on the proposals. Every business in King’s Lynn will be asked to vote on the final business plan due to be published later this year, so why not have your say in shaping the plans.

King’s Lynn BID could have a major improvement not only in King’s Lynn centre as a whole, but also your business. Please carefully consider this proposal and help them develop a better and brighter King’s Lynn.

Information Events

A series of BID information events have been planned – come along and find out about the proposed BID Business Plan for King’s Lynn, What a BID is and why businesses in King’s Lynn should get involved.

  • 22nd July 18:00 – 19:30 Marriot’s Warehouse
  • 25th July 12:30 – 14:00 Yours Business Network
  • 26th July 07:30 – 08:30 The Lounge Cafe
  • 30th July 18:00 – 19:30 Majestic Cinema

Each event will commence with a presentation followed by questions and answers. There will be plenty of opportunity afterwards to chat informally about the proposals with fellow town centre businesses. Copies of the business plan will be available at each event or click here to view it online.


Members can have their news posted here.

To include your latest news please use the contact form to get in touch and we'll upload it for you.

Gold and Strategic Partners