A new initiative, the EuroMed Trade Helpdesk, has been launched by the European Commission and the International Trade Centre (ITC) aiming to provide businesses with essential information about markets, tariffs and import requirements.

The intention is to strengthen economic ties between the Union and its nine Mediterranean partners, as well as between Mediterranean countries themselves.

The online portal will provide exporters with information about potential markets, such as customs duties and product requirements. As well as covering the EU, its searchable database includes Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Tunisia and Turkey.

Trade Commissioner Cecilia Malmström explained that the portal will provide an online one-stop-shop for country and product-specific information on tariffs and duties, import and export procedures, and market requirements.

In addition, a network of national focal points in each participating Mediterranean country will respond to enquiries on intra-regional trade issues and ensure information is kept up to date.

“The EuroMed Helpdesk is good news for businesses and consumers around the Mediterranean,” the Commissioner said. “And by making it easier to trade it’ll help the region’s economy and integration.”

The new online tool is modelled on the EU Export Helpdesk and provides information in English, French, Arabic and Turkish. It differs from the main Helpdesk by also giving company-specific information.

See euromed.macmap.org for access to the Helpdesk and for full details.


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