The message at the South Norfolk Business Breakfast last week was how focusing on your staff satisfaction will have a direct impact on your business success!
We welcomed Chamber members to Park Farm Hotel, Hethersett for our sold out breakfast for a morning of networking and an inspiring talk.
As guests enjoyed their first cup of coffee of the morning, they made the most of interacting with the stands present at the breakfast: Buy local Norfolk, Cneqt DNA Limited, Inspired Renewables and Select Office Furniture.
After some time getting to know one another, they enjoyed a delicious spread of breakfast.
Guests then heard from our expert speaker Lisa Collen, Director of People for Flagship Group. She spoke about the undeniable correlation between a happy workforce, customer satisfaction and ultimately, profitability and how Flagship have introduced agile working, a relaxed dress code and flexible benefits among other well-being measures for their staff to enhance overall employee satisfaction.