The A47 need upgrading. Poor infrastructure is slowing down economic growth and the creation of jobs in Norfolk. At a time when our businesses are having to be even more innovative in the way of using technology in their businesses, getting around the county or out of the Norfolk, mainly still necessitates using roads.
The consultant’s report commissioned by Norfolk County Council has now quantified that investment in the A47 could bring 5,000 jobs to Norwich, 3,800 to Yarmouth and more than 700 to Kings Lynn along with £390m a year into the East Anglia economy.
Next Tuesday Brussel’s regulators meet to review the TEN-T regulations which set the status of major roads across the continent. Currently the A47 is classed as part of a “comprehensive network” rather than “core” which has resulted in little invetment to the route over the years.
The economic opportunities for growth and jobs which would be enhanced by improvement to the A47 include the Yarmouth’s Enterprise Zone focused on the growing North Sea energy industry, Yarmouth Outer Harbour, Norwich Research Park, expanding employment around the A47 and A10 south of Kings Lynn and our visitor economy.
The report does talk about a 20 year time scale and we are realistic to be aware that the chances of the Treasury finding the money is remote but it is important that this road is recognised as a catalyst of growth and job creation in Norfolk.
Norfolk Chamber of behalf of its members is writing to Brussels to lobby Norfolk’s case and through the British Chamber of Commerce will ensure Ministers understand the importance to Norfolk businesses of improving the A47.