Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber once again had the ear of the Prime Minister David Cameron when he visited Norfolk today. The round table meeting was set up by Chloe Smith MP, whilst he was visiting KLM to hear about their apprenticeship academy, on the day he launched the Government’s consultation on the apprenticeship levy.
Mr Cameron was interested to hear about the successful development of Norwich4Jobs . This initiative works with Norwich businesses to assist in meeting its target of cutting Norwich youth unemployment by 50% and is now working on Phase 2. Norfolk Chamber sits on the steering group, chaired by Chloe Smith MP with many Chamber members involved in giving Norfolk’s young people employment.
Caroline Williams CEO Norfolk Chamber said: “It was a great opportunity to be able to speak directly to the Prime Minister on issues relating to Norfolk’s young people that we feel so passionate about, including bridging the gap between education and business.”
“I was able to highlight the need to ensure that whilst meeting increased numbers of apprenticeships, quality is maintained. In addition there is a need for the reputation of apprenticeships to be increased within schools and amongst parents, as well as businesses.”
“Another topic that I discussed with Mr Cameron, was the need to provide within schools the link of core GCSE curriculum subjects, such as Maths, English and Science to the world of work so that our young people can really understand why they are so important, which he agreed with.”
Other topicsdiscussed, were the proposed New Anglia Youth Pledge and the work being carried out by JobcentrePlus to support those Norfolkyoung people who find the job market particularly challenging.
Caroline Williams CEO added: “Norfolk Chamber and its members are determined to ensure that our young people are given the very best opportunity to develop into the quality employees of the future we all want to achieve.”