In the run up to the Brexit leave date of 29 March 2019, the BBC are seeking small to medium sized firms that would be willing to speak to Radio 5 Live, and possibly also BBC Breakfast TV, about their concerns in the run up to the leave date, and also how their business has been affected by the Brexit and the changes in the economy since the leave vote thus far.

They are looking for businesses from across any sector of the economy but their preference is for smaller regional firms with under fifty employees.

It is crucial that the Norfolk business voice is heard and that the small business perspective is taken into account.  If you would be willing to be interviewed, please send your contact details to:

[email protected], so we can pass them onto the BBC.


Members can have their news posted here.

To include your latest news please use the contact form to get in touch and we'll upload it for you.

Gold and Strategic Partners