What is the difference between supervising and managing a team? The role of the supervisor is changing and what this role is (or what people think it is) can be unclear at times. This workshop is for anyone who already supervises a team or a team leader who wants to freshen up their skills. Aimed at supervisors and team leaders, this module aims to set you up for success and encourage you to take the actions you need to get better results. Equipment: Pens and note paper will be available. Lunch provided: For full day training courses a lunch with sandwich or salad,  crisps and cake or fruit will be provided. Refreshments will be available throughout the duration of this course. Course Content:

  • Starting as you mean to go on – first steps on the success ladder •Heroes and villains – making a good supervisor ‘great’ •The shape of your role and the focus of your attention •Developing teams – what to look out for •Achieving a balance between nurturing vs. challenging •Delegation as a means of developing staff •When I insist – you resist – communication which works! •The four supervisory styles – which one to use and when •Mastering the art of delegation •Forwarding the action – personal action planning.

Course costs £109 per person. For more details please contact us at [email protected] or on 01603 788950. Link to book – www.southnorfolkandbroadland.gov.uk/training

Venue: 7 Carrowbreck Road, Norwich, NR6 5FA, NR6 5FA, UK

Start Date / Time: 01/06/2023 9:30 am

End Date / Time: 01/06/2023 4:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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