Welcome to the Nuclear Safety Culture and Behaviours programme.
This practical course is designed for Supply Chain supervisors and other persons who are, or are about to be, responsible for planning, organising, monitoring, controlling and supervising teams on a nuclear construction project.
It is about getting ready to work on a nuclear construction project. The course will look at the behavioural aspects of work and provide you with a head start on understanding what nuclear safety culture is.
The course focuses on behaviours which positively impact safety, quality and productivity in supply and construction. In particular we will discuss how to implement the behaviours required to build a nuclear safety culture both today and for tomorrow.
It highlights the need for effective leadership, teamwork, performance management and the importance of adequate communication to sustain a health and safety culture within the whole workforce. It promotes a culture that accepts that mistakes can be made, admitted to and rectified, so that lessons learnt can be implemented, leading to a positive culture for safety from design through build and on to production and operation.
Programme Aims – leaders must:
• Keeps themselves, their team and the environment safe • Look out for others and report safety issues • Work to quality plans and understand why ‘right first time’ is essential • Do the right thing when no-one is watching • Take ownership and provide effective leadership • Keep teams productive and motivated
Course Date: Programme One: Module one takes place on 22nd and 23rd April and module two on 6th and 7th May Programme Two: Module one takes place on 20th and 21st May and module two on 10th and 11th June
Venue: Lowestoft Campus, UK
Start Date / Time: 22/04/2021 12:00 am
End Date / Time: 07/05/2021 12:00 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
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