Mental health problems cost British businesses an average of £1,000 a year for every employee, researchers say. Most firms could make big savings with a few simple steps.
By learning to recognise the signs that someone may be unwell, you may be able to provide initial help, to guide a person towards appropriate professional help, and in its most powerful form, save a life by learning basic suicide intervention skills.
By attending one of our Mental Health First Aid courses, you’ll learn to:
- Spot the early signs of a mental health problem
- Feel confident helping someone experiencing a problem
- Provide help on a first aid basis
- Help prevent someone from hurting themselves or others
- Help stop a mental health problem from getting worse
- Help someone recover faster
- Guide someone towards the right support
- Reduce the stigma of mental health problems
Participants on the MHFA coursescome from a wide range ofbackgrounds, from family members wanting to gain more understanding of what a relative is going through, to employers, people with lived experience of mental distress, and people who are likely to come into contact with those at risk of mental health problems, such as police, ambulance staff or community workers.
The course is taught over a period of two days and lunch is provided.
The course costs £200 per person.
For more information or to book on the course please email [email protected] or phone 01603 432457
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 03/11/2015 9:00 am
End Date / Time: 04/11/2015 4:30 pm
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free