Aim; To refresh delegates on how to put food safety management systems in to place, through detailed understanding of the hazards, legal requirements (including HACCP) and the issues surrounding the implementation of control measures.


*Understand the meaning of ‘management of food safety’, and the elements of a management system, including HACCP.

*Detailed understanding of the four main hazards; biological, allergens, chemical and physical.

*Understand the format of UK and European food safety legislation.

*Understanding operational procedures for cleaning and disinfection, pest control, design and construction of facilities etc.

*Managing people; information, training, supervision etc.

*Maintaining food safety management procedures; monitoring and verification.

*Liaise with enforcement officers

*Have sufficient technical knowledge to deliver level 1 and 2 food hygiene training (with appropriate training skills)


Duration; 1 day programme

Exam/Assessment; A series of exercvise-based assessments throughout the day

Cost; £114 plus VAT includes notes, refreshments, lunch, the assessment & certification fees

Awarding Body; None

Tutor; Sarah Daniels

Differentiation; Level 4 in Food Safety is needed.

Audience; This course is for managers, supervisors and QA/QC/ senior hygiene personnel, who devise, implement and monitor/audit food safety systems, and trainers who want to refresh their current knowledge of Level 4 Food Safety

For more information click here

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 29/06/2016 8:45 am

End Date / Time: 29/06/2016 4:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Gold and Strategic Partners