Course Venue: Carrowbreck House, 7 Carrowbreck Road, Norwich, NR6 5FA. This course is designed for anyone who deals with customers / clients, either face-to-face or over the telephone. By the end of the course you should be able to understand body language, understand the need for good communication skills, answer the telephone in a professional way and learn to listen. Duration: One-day course (9:30am – 4:00pm approximately) Equipment: No equipment is necessary for you to bring to the course. Pens and note paper will be available. Lunch provided: For full day training courses a lunch with sandwich or salad, crisps and cake or fruit will be provided. Refreshments will be available throughout the duration of this course. Course Content First impressions Understanding the importance of communication Body language Barriers to communication Methods/techniques used to deal with customer / clients Telephone tactics ‘The Terrible Ten’ – 10 pet hates Controlling the call How to deal with difficult customers and clients (3 strike rule) Course feedback: “Very good, would come again.” Course price: £74.00 – £96.00
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 14/06/2017 9:30 am
End Date / Time: 14/06/2017 4:00 pm
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
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