This isa 4 day personal development programme aimed at aspiring team leaders and front line staff who have a responsibility to monitor the work of others. The training aims to give the participants the knowledge and skills to communicate confidently and effectively in a wide range of situations.
Session 1 – The true meaning of communication Aim: To understand the real nature of communication and learn how to use the correct approach for maximum impact. Understanding communication Active listening skills Questioning techniques Speaking skills Communication preferences (VAK) Non verbal communication How mindsets affect actions.
Excellent communication skills are essential at all levels in an organisation if it is to be successful and to allow employees to perform at their best. In this 4 day programme we will examine various elements of communication and provide many tools, tips and techniques to ensure it is as effective as possible.
Style of the course: Since people learn in moments of enjoyment, this course will be fun! We use a ‘Brain Friendly’ approach to training which accelerates learning and also embeds the ideas. It is very participative in places and you are encouraged to use this opportunity to challenge yourself. The course will provide the chance for you to test your present management abilities and put any improvements into action. Training sessions are a great place to push back personal boundaries and take a few risks, but with the aid of a safety net. Previous delegates have described some of these ideas as ‘life changing’ and have enjoyed great success in many situations both in work and outside in their daily lives. In our experience the most successful people have been those who have thrown themselves into the programme and not been afraid to open their minds to new and different ways of doing things. We will provide the best learning environment, materials and training we can. We look forward to working with you to achieve whatever you personally need to become a highly effective communicator.
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 06/12/2016 9:00 am
End Date / Time: 06/12/2016 4:30 pm
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free