Businesses in West Norfolk are being urged to Be a Reason to Love West Norfolk and sign up to the Love West Norfolk campaign.

A new Love West Norfolk commitment and toolkit have been launched which will allow organisations to join the campaign and celebrate everything that West Norfolk has to offer.

As well as signing up to the Love West Norfolk commitment, those joining the campaign will also be able to use the logo and display a ‘We’re a Reason to Love West Norfolk’ sticker and image.

And organisations will be supported to promote their activities through Love West Norfolk social media and communications activities.

Tony Hall, Chief Executive of Freebridge Community Housing and Chair of the West Norfolk Strategy Group said: “It is the people of West Norfolk who have made Love West Norfolk so successful and so we want to give organisations the opportunity to officially join the campaign.

“This is open to all types of organisations – shops, companies, schools, charities, and voluntary groups, for example – who, like us, love West Norfolk. Join in the campaign and help us to promote everything this fantastic area has to offer.”

Amongst those putting their signature to the commitment to West Norfolk is the Borough Council of King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.  The Council is a partner in the campaign and has been instrumental in getting Love West Norfolk off the ground. Ray Harding, Chief Executive said: “We’re a reason to Love West Norfolk as our staff work tirelessly to keep the area looking attractive, looking after public parks and beaches, providing events to encourage tourism and visits to the town, building homes for our citizens, regenerating areas and helping to create jobs for people.”

 And Norfolk County Council, a partner in the Love West Norfolk, has also got behind the campaign with Nick Tupper, Assistant Director for Highways pictured with the campaign logo.  

Anyone wishing to Be a Reason to Love West Norfolk can get in touch via Twitter: @LoveWestNorfolk, Facebook: Instagram: love_west_norfolk or the campaign website  Or they can email [email protected] for further information and the commitment and toolkit.


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