Microsoft are just one of the growing number of leading technology companies trying to crack the code of cancer using AI, but this big upcoming project is something that really impressed me.
On November 1st, I visited Microsoft’s Future Decoded Business Day 2016 at the ExCel in London. I sat in the Auditorium hearing about all the new really cool stuff going on at Microsoft where I learnt about the new project, of the most precise quantification to kill a cancerous tumour.
This AI looks through the pixels of a radiology scan, and does the job that would take a doctor 1-2 hours to segment the organs and allows the doctors to produce a quantitative analysis on which parts of the tumours are cancerous.
Microsoft’s goal here is not to replace doctors, but the capabilities of machines are to work as complements to the capabilities of experts.
This is just one of the many ways Microsoft are trying to “solve” cancer. Adding to the new Microsoft Research machine-learning project, aiming to absorb all documents and help predict which drugs and combinations can be most effective.
Although the research is still very early stages, Working with Artificial Intelligence, Microsoft are aiming to crack the code of Cancer for 10 years time.