During the week commencing 10th February, organisations across the UK will be celebrating National Apprenticeship Week looking at the opportunities available and the successes already achieved.  

At Swarm we will be running online events to help the business community understand how to tap into this Government funded Apprenticeship system, and also to help secondary schools support students 16+ as they assess career choices and apprenticeships in their options.

Upcoming NAW2025 Events at Swarm

We are aware from a recent poll we conducted that Retention and Recruitment is a big concern when considering the decision to hire an apprentice. Two members of our recruitment team, Sophie Duffy and Paul Riddock, will be broadcasting their discussion around this topic Live on LinkedIn talking about how to dramatically reduce any challenges in these areas whilst significantly enhancing the chances of achieving a successful and long term hire.  Please join them for this event where you can watch online whilst also typing specific questions to them to answer as they chat:

Solving the Challenges of Recruitment and Retention
10th February @ 11am-11.30am (extending up to 12pm if we have lots of questions)
(Online via LinkedIn Live)

You may be close to employing an apprentice or you may just be curious to know more about apprenticeships as they gain greater and greater coverage in business talk.  Either way, we want to invite you to join us for this online event to gain a greater understanding of business apprenticeships and ask questions of our panel of experts, apprentices themselves and an experienced employer:

Employer’s Forum on Understanding Business Apprenticeships
11th February @ 10am – 11.30am
(Online via Google Meet)

To support young people as they consider their career and their options, we obviously want to encourage school leavers to consider apprenticeships, but we also want to introduce them to a career in Market Research – one of our specialised subjects – and one which not many school leavers or careers departments are familiar with.  If you are connected with a secondary school, maybe as a parent or governor, we’d like to encourage you to register for our “open evening” event or pass this opportunity on to the careers advisor or headteacher at the school.  We would love to reach as many young people as possible to hear about Market Research as a career but also to hear about the upcoming recruitment drive which the well know Market Research company, Ipsos, will be running to attract school leavers for their new apprenticeship intake in September:

Careers in Market Research and the Apprenticeship Opportunity
– An “Open Evening” for Secondary Schools
12th February @ 7pm – 8pm
(Online via Google Meet)

National Apprenticeship Week 2025 at Swarm Training


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