With businesses suddenly having to manage a considerably more remote workforce due to the impact of coronavirus, we asked ourselves, how can we at Safepoint help?

To help support businesses in these tough times we’ve put together some free resources, as well as providing Safepoint completely free to anyone that needs the extra support.

Did you know that staff who work from home are considered ‘lone workers’ by the government? If self-isolation is your first experience with hiring lone workers, it’s recommended that you create a ‘lone worker policy’. Don’t worry, you can make one using our free document builder here: https://www.safepointapp.com/lone-working-policy-builder

We also know that, despite Covid-19, some essential services can’t operate from home. To help, we’re offering a completely free month of Safepoint for anyone who needs it. Sign up at https://www.safepointapp.com/ and use the code PROTECTMYSTAFF at checkout.


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Gold and Strategic Partners