Join us for our 2019 Employment Taxes workshop, as part of our On Top of Tax series.
The workshop will focus on recent changes to key areas of Employment Taxes together with an analysis of the areas commonly reviewed and challenged by HMRC. This will include; termination payments, proposed new rules in respect of off-payroll workers, and common National Minimum Wage pitfalls.
Additionally, we will focus on key international employment tax and social security matters which employers need to consider.
- Off-payroll workers
- Payments in respect of Termination of Employment
- National Minimum Wage
- International matters
- Other news and key Employment Taxes changes
This is being held on May 16th at our office, 2nd Floor, Yare House, 62-64 Thorpe Road, Norwich, NR1 1RY. From 4pm – 6pm.
To register for this event please click here.
This event is free to attend