Norfolk County Council have produced a briefing for retailers looking to trade safely during the Tier 2 restrictions. Coronavirus infection rates are still high in Norfolk. You could have customers on your premises who are infectious but may not be aware they have the virus and may have no symptoms.  As a retailer, you have a lot of influence with your customers. Please play your part to encourage safer behaviour in the community. The less face to face contact between people the less chance of them catching or passing on the virus. As a responsible retailer, you can help by:

  • Encouraging your customers to shop online and use delivery / click & collect. If you don’t have your own online shop, you could sell via one of the established websites such as Etsy or Not on the High Street (others are available) or your local district council may offer support for getting a digital offer off the ground. Promoting online browsing or offering virtual shopping appointments online can reduce the amount of time that customers need to be in the shop. 
  • Limiting the number of customers on the premises at any time. Staggering or expanding opening hours where possible can help so that footfall isn’t concentrated.
  • Encouraging your customers to use hand sanitizer, wear face coverings (unless exempt) and socially distance whilst on your premises.
  • Ensuring that any forming queues are socially distanced. Outside your premises, marking 2m boxes on the floor with tape can be effective for social distancing.  
  • Encouraging a continuous flow of customers around your premises (and so avoid gatherings).
  • Avoiding promotions that will encourage increased footfall likely to result in crowds (such as one-day only offers).
  • Ensuring your staff:
    • know what is expected of them to operate in a Covid-secure way
    • know what you want the customers to do 
    • are trained to encourage Covid prevention among customers

Following Covid prevention actions will always be better for business than having to manage an outbreak or have to move to tighter restrictions, so please do all you can. For further help and support visit the Norfolk County Council website.


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