A Watton-based family company has pledged to raise £25,000 over the next three years for the nook appeal to helpbuild a new children’s hospice in the heart of Norfolk.
The Abel Group, which includes house builder Abel Homes and renewable energy company Abel Energy, has signed up to be part of the charity’s nook business network.
The firm has already donated £10,000 and has pledged a further £15,000 to the appeal by devising fundraising initiatives and ways to promote the appeal to their community, clients, suppliers and customers.
Managing Director Tony Abel who attended the charity’s launch event at the Norfolk Showground in the presence of EACH Royal Patron HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, said: “The new hospice will enable EACH to do so much more for local young people with life-threatening illnesses – and support for their families. It is such a worthy, local cause and we are delighted to throw our support behind it.”
Gary Cook, the nook appeal corporate fundraiser, said: “We won’t be able to realise our vision of a new purpose-built children’s hospice for Norfolk without the support of the whole Norfolk community – individuals, schools, community groups and of course businesses, so it’s great that this family owned company wants to work with us to help other families within that community who need our support.
“EACH exists to care for local life-threatened children and young people and support their families and with the support of the fantastic Norfolk community we can help this process with the realisation of the nook.”
Anyone who is interested in finding out more about the appeal or the nook business network should contact the Norfolk Fundraising Team on 01953 666767 or funding@each.org.uk or for more information on the Abel Group please visit www.abelhomes.co.uk or www.abelenergy.co.uk