Results from the National Client Satisfaction Survey reveal that when it comes to business advice, TaxAssist Accountants is the first choice for independent business owners and over 96% would recommend our service to a friend.

TaxAssist Accountants has always prided itself on going the extra mile for its franchisees, so they, in turn can go the extra mile for their clients.

When lockdown conditions eased TaxAssist Accountants carried out a survey of its client base, to gauge how they felt about the level of support and service they had received and to identify what help clients felt they needed now and in the near future during these uncertain times.

In total, 3,638 clients completed the survey, with a number of key findings highlighting the strength and depth of the franchise offering and TaxAssist business model. These include:

  • 90% of respondents rating the support they received from TaxAssist during the lockdown as either ‘Great’ or ‘Excellent’
  • 70% finding the email newsletters and breaking news updates a helpful resource
  • 78% preferring to meet with their accountant in person
  • 20% stated they would also be happy to meet online via video
  • 72% saw their accountant as their first port of call for business advice
  • 95% rated the overall service they received positively
  • 96% would recommend TaxAssist Accountants to a friend

James Mattam, Group Business Development Director, said: “Clearly 2020 has been an unprecedented year but we’ve all rolled up our sleeves and worked hard to support our clients. The fantastic results in this survey, we believe, are a direct result of going above and beyond in our support to our client base.

“The results highlight the continuing demand for our services and their exceptional value to clients. It also emphasises that our model of working from shop premises is as relevant today as it ever was, in terms of visibility and convenience for our clients. They appreciate the value in the meetings they have with their TaxAssist Accountant and wish for that to continue, albeit in a safe environment.

“A third of respondents stated that they will need more support from their accountant in the future, this demonstrates the vital role that accountants play in their clients’ businesses. It reinforces that need for business owners to have meaningful and valuable advisory meetings with their accountant.

“As our Regional Meetings with franchisees are moving to virtual sessions, we look forward to sharing the detailed results and analysis of the survey, how we intend to respond to clients’ needs in the current climate and our plans for future support.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the business model and the technical and marketing support on offer from TaxAssist Accountants, regular virtual discovery days are being held. Call 0800 018829 to register your interest.


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