UEA’s CareerCentral are delighted to announce that exhibitor bookings for their first ever Graduate Jobs Fair are now open. GradFair will take place on 23 May 2019 from 11am-3pm at The Forum, Norwich. CareerCentral are looking for organisations who will have live opportunities and vacancies at the time of the event, so if that sounds like you, book your place

UEA has over 4,000 energetic and enthusiastic students graduating every year, and many stay in East Anglia. This is a brilliant opportunity to exhibit in an award-winning city centre location and access graduate talent from a UK top 15 university.  Thursday 23 May 2019, 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM, The Forum, Norwich

Are you a recent graduate of UEA? Or are you graduating in 2019 and looking for a graduate-level job for after your studies? Either way, you’re invited to join CareerCentral at our first GradFair this May and meet organisations recruiting for graduate level opportunities – who are looking for people like you.

Stay tuned for the full list of organisations who will be attending – to be announced in Spring 2019!

What to expect at the Fair:

  • Graduate roles you can apply for now
  • Representatives from a range of sectors
  • A chance to meet people working in fields you want to go into – or haven’t even considered yet!
  • Support from Careers Advisers

Live internship interviews

On the day, we will be running interviews with a variety of organisations who are offering graduate internships. 

There will be 10 roles available, and a possible 60 interview slots – not all of the applications are open yet but the first few are available on this information page

Still not sure? Did you know…

90% of employers recruit from all degree disciplines – so you could find your dream job somewhere you never expected it!

We’ve invited organisations who are looking for all types of people, and who can give you a real insight into their companies and careers. Whether you have a specific career plan in mind or are still figuring it all out, this is an opportunity to explore what you could do next.

Book your space now on GradCentral.

Interested in exhibiting at GradFair? 

We are looking for regional and national organisations who will have live graduate level opportunities and vacancies at the time of the event. Does this sound like your organisation? If so, book now via our online application form.


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