Viewers locally are being urged to treat their re-cycling with love, thanks to TV and radio commercials created by the JMS Group. Norfolk Waste Partnership sought a creative way to explain that contaminated recycled waste is, ultimately, un-recyclable.

“It would have been easy to come up with something earnest and serious” said Senior Copywriter Tim Mountford, “but as most of us now understand the value of recycling, we thought the message might be more memorable if we delivered it with a smile”.

The result is a simple animation accompanied by a Barry White-style melody, which is also at the heart of the radio campaign, conceived and produced at JMS’ Hethersett studios,  urging viewers to ‘clean it, dry it, leave it loose’ and to ‘show some l.o.v.e’ to the people who sort it.

Sky viewers will see the commercial this Autumn. 

For your next commercial or online video contact Francesca de Lacey on 01603 811855.


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