James Groves, Managing Director of Indigo Swan says of being a Finalist in the IoD East of England Director of the Year Awards, ” You can’t achieve anything on your own. You are only as good as those around you.” ” Surround yourself with people better than you. Last week I was fortunate to receive some personal recognition on top of the team being recognised as finalists for a number of awards. This made for an amazing week. I am extremely honoured and grateful to those who nominated me. None of this would be possible however without the hard work, dedication and commitment of each and ever swan, so to them I say thank you. The people below make me better, they make the company better, the culture better and they will do anything they can to make us successful and well respected as a business in Norfolk, the East of England and far beyond. This is about them, our clients and our partners. It is today and always will be. If I pick up some recognition in the process then it makes me proud and makes me know that as a leader I am doing something right. Thank you for trusting me, following me and believing in me and what we are doing. A great end to the year ahead and the boost we need heading into 2022.” Indigo Swan


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