We’d like to kindly ask you to complete the following short survey.  It will take 5-15 minutes. The survey is part of a wider study funded by New Anglia LEP, which aims at gaining insight on the challenges that companies in Norfolk & Suffolk are facing to achieve net-zero. This survey is undertaken by a team of researchers from Norwich Business School (NBS), UEA. It is carried out by the following NBS researchers: Prof Naresh Pandit, Dr Usha Sundaram and Dr Vanya Kitsopoulou. The survey is anonymous, no individuals or companies are identified or tracked. Please help us understand where companies in our region stand on their net-zero journey by taking part. You can access it via computer, mobile phone, or tablet by clicking on this link: https://nbsuea.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_bl067ua719WcZKK Our findings will inform a Communications Strategy on best practices and how to overcome challenges that companies in our region are facing. If you have any questions, comments, or want to hear more about the study, please contact us at [email protected]. We will be happy to hear from you or provide clarifications.


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Gold and Strategic Partners