Innovation Bridge, the new project to deliver expert advice and grants to innovative businesses, has appointed Norfolk agency Greenwood&Bell as marketing consultants. The scheme has launched with a new logo, branding and marketing campaign. Innovation Bridge is aimed at ambitious and inventive businesses in the East of England and, as there are many Chamber members who fit this description, it is hoped that they will take advantage of the scheme.

Innovation Bridge channels expertise from leading universities into businesses, helping them develop innovative new products and services. The scheme is led by Central Bedfordshire Council and the European Regional Development Fund are contributing £1.95 million, meaning the scheme can offer free advice and grants to firms in the region for the next three years.

Greenwood&Bell’s campaign leads with the headline “Need business growth? Get specialist support and grants at Innovation Bridge” and is supported by an illustration showing energy and light pouring from a university into a business, along with a new logo and identity.

Mark Greenwood points out that this could be a really useful scheme for Chamber members. He says “Many business leaders have projects that they would love to get moving. Innovation Bridge could help them bring these projects to market”. You can find out how the scheme could help your business by calling 0300 300 8272

The delivery partners are University of Bedfordshire, Anglia Ruskin University and the University of Suffolk. The project is supported by New Anglia Growth Hub, Signpost2Grow and Velocity Growth Hub


Innovation Bridge:


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