Register your interest for an online roundtable with the MPs on the Business Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee. The Committee want to hear your views on the Government’s current industrial strategy and how business is dealing with the impact of Covid and preparations for Brexit.
The Big Issue
The House of Commons BEIS Committee are holding an inquiry into the Government’s industrial strategy exploring whether the strategy is genuinely strategic and focused on the correct sectors and issues. It is also examining whether the strategy is designed to encourage the growth of a more productive, inclusive and sustainable economy. This sub-inquiry forms part of the Committee’s inquiry into post-pandemic economic growth. As part of it’s scrutiny of the industrial strategy the Committee would like to hear the views of SMEs, large enterprises, regional business bodies and trade unions from across the UK. We invite you to join the online roundtable where you will be asked to share your views and address a number of key questions including:
- Is the industrial strategy sufficiently well-resourced and targeted to address the UK’s productivity challenge?
- Has the industrial strategy made a difference in terms of improving skills and creating jobs?
- Does the industrial strategy help to attract new private investment to scale-up businesses which have the potential for growth?
- How should the industrial strategy respond to the Covid-19 pandemic, Brexit, and the Government’s commitment to achieve Net Zero emissions by 2050?
In addition, in light of the immediate challenges facing the UK, the Committee would also welcome views from participants on how well businesses are coping with the impact of Covid and uncertainty caused by the prospect of the Brexit transition period ending with no new trade deal being agreed with the EU.
Click here for further information on the BEIS industrial strategy inquiry. The UK Government’s industrial strategy can be viewed here.
When and where?
Online – Microsoft Teams Date and Time: 15:00-16:30, Thursday 19th November 2020 The Committee want to hear from a range of businesses. To ensure this please register your interest by completing our online survey. The survey will close at 12:00 on Monday 9 November. You will be notified by Wednesday 11th November whether you have been allocated a place for this session.
Please note that this is the first session that the Committee are planning to hold on this topic and if you are not allocated to this event we will aim to allocate you to one of the subsequent sessions.
Venue Information We’ll be using Microsoft Teams for this event. Before the event, we’ll send you full joining instructions and, if you don’t have much experience of Microsoft Teams, we’ll be happy to do a test call with you before the event. The event will be recorded, and a transcript created. Clips and quotations may be used on the Committee’s Twitter page, website and publications. Because the video images may disclose some special category data such as protected characteristics, we require your explicit consent to proceed. Consent forms will be sent in advance. For full details on how we will deal with the information we collect from you please read our privacy notice.
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