We love combining forces with people who are passionate about the local community and organic food (our team really does share the same DNA!).
Let’s get to know team member, Ellie, with a fire-round of questions.
Q: We’re so grateful to have you managing our socials. Thank you for all your hard work. How did you get connected to Goodery? A: It’s such a pleasure. I genuinely love everything about Goodery, it doesn’t feel like working at all!
I’d ordered a box before and I loved the company’s produce and values. I joined the team shortly after I went on a walk with my friend Matti, who leads customer service; he was talking about work, and I said I’d love to be a part of it. Here I am!
Q: You’re also a business owner. Can you tell me about that? Woah, it’s so strange being called a business owner! So, I recently started a tasty vegan takeaway from my home kitchen. Maple Spinach is a one-woman business (cooking, cleaning, marketing, customer service), and I absolutely love it.
Q: What do you think is wrong with the world? The abundance of environmental issues, including climate change, pollution, disposal of waste, etc.
I think there’s lack of education about what is really happening. While I do think individuals have responsibility to stay informed on the matter, I believe that the government needs to step up and address the environmental crises.
Q: What do you feel you want to do to help fix it? Working for, supporting and shopping from Goodery really makes a difference. A lot of the people I cook for are non-vegan, too – cutting down on meat consumption is such a great way to reduce your carbon footprint. I want to continue having important conversations with people who might be unaware of how poorly the planet is. I also want to reduce my waste significantly. I hope to get rid of single use plastics completely!
Q: What’s one thing you’re grateful for? Family. That includes my church family, Goodery family and friends. Q: If you could wave a magic wand and change anything about the world, what would you change? Why? I’d align all the hearts in the world to be passionate about combating discrimination. I think that so many (if not all) problems stem from this.