Espaze has launched PRACTICAL guides to boost your procurement function.
Managing your supply chain has become more important than ever, as we strive to be competitive and deliver what our customers need.
I believe every company should have access to an effective supply chain, so I’ve launched these easy to follow guides so that you can make improvements in your own business.
The first two guides are:
- Supplier Appraisal – How To Choose The Right Suppliers
- Managing Your Tail Spend – A Practical Guide To Reduce Your Supply Chain Costs
Choosing The Right Supplier
This includes a supplier appraisal form that you can use with your own suppliers!
Choosing the wrong supplier can go REALLY wrong: Carillion’s collapse, G4S’s catastrophic failure at the Olympics and Apple’s reputational damage from Foxconn. Whatever happens, you don’t want those disasters in your own supply chain.
Managing Your Tail Spend
There’s LOADS of value to be had in tackling bits of the supply chain that we usually ignore. This can be the source of a lot of our supply chain headaches – dealing with late deliveries, incorrect invoices and difficult order processes for small-value items. This 19-page guide is full of PRACTICAL advice to get this spend under control, save time and money.
It also has a sample spreadsheet with the calculations you need to assess your spend as quickly as possible.
Visit the shop here
You can get these practical guides at 50% off with the code WeGotHereFirst! until 30th November. That makes these guides ONLY £4.99 each!
Is there something else you’d like to see in a guide? Drop me an email at [email protected] and let me know!