MENTA has announced its free business start-up training will take place at locations across Norfolk. The series of three, four-hour business skills workshops cover subjects vital when setting up a business; planning, marketing and bookkeeping. The sessions have been well received and over the past three years more than 500 people have completed the training and more than 270 of them have made their dream a reality and set up a business in Norfolk or Suffolk. The start-up Start Right workshops are designed to help people who are thinking of setting up their own business or have taken the plunge during the last 12 months. MENTA’s mission is to help people achieve their dreams of becoming self-employed or running their own successful company. MENTA trainer, John Clarke said, “I meet people from all age groups and backgrounds who come along to gain expert support and business skills training. The sessions are informal and the feedback we receive is fantastic, people get a lot of practical advice which they appreciate.” The start-up training is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and isn’t affected by Brexit. MENTA’s long-term aim is to produce more employment opportunities and prosperity in Norfolk. The workshops are held in Gt Yarmouth, Kings Lynn, Norwich, North Walsham and Dereham. For more details visit the MENTA website and go to the ‘start up’ page or call 01284 760206 for details. Booking is essential.


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