Expert Print Management have added Antigen Lateral Flow Covid 19 Test Kits to their Covid Essential website.

Returning results in 10-15 minutes and rated as 97% accurate, Lateral Flow tests are ideal for the workplace to test staff and visitors on entry.

EPM Director Paul Youngs says, “Even though we find ourselves in Lockdown 3, there are still many workplaces that need to remain open. These tests when incorporated into a Covid Strategy, will help to keep Covid-19 out of the building. Even when lockdown is lifted and we begin to return to the workplace, business owners will still need to do what they can to keep their businesses Covid Secure, and these tests are another tool to help do that.

• Simple and easy to use

• CE marked (Approved for use in Europe and UK)

• World Health Organisation certified

• 10-15min result time

• High Accuracy (+97%) • Boxed: 20 tests per box

Email [email protected] to place your order


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