Emergency plans will be put to the test this November during an emergency exercise at Norwich International Airport. The exercise will start at 11.00am on Wednesday (Nov 12) and is expected to last until 15.00pm.

Norwich Airport Facilities Manager, Mel Gray said: “Norwich International Airport is required to undertake a large scale exercise every two years in order to satisfy the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA). During the intervening year the airport undertakes a table top exercise, however this year we are undertaking a smaller scale exercise to test the response of staff working within the terminal building. This exercise, will test our response and exercise our arrangements with external emergency services.”

“It is essential that we have plans in place to deal with emergencies to ensure the best response possible. Such plans are best validated through emergency exercises and we are extremely fortunate that in Norfolk there is a commitment from the emergency services and other emergency responders to work together in this way.”

As well as the airport employees, the Norfolk Constabulary, British Red Cross and local authoritieses will be involved in the mini exercise. This ensures that multi-agency working can be practiced and evaluated during the exercise.

Any lessons that are identified through this exercise will be used to inform the plan review process and will be disseminated to other relevant organisations to ensure that best practice is shared.


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