If you are looking to change jobs, considering asking for a pay rise or just curious as to how your salary compares to others, then Pure’s free salary comparison tool can help you.
By visiting www.comparemysalary.co.uk you can benchmark your salary against more than 6,000 other professionals in the East of England. It gives you access to free, secure, real-time salary information against like-for-like jobs and all the information you enter is completely anonymous.
Here’s just some of the information Compare My Salary can provide to help you understand your market value, plus some of the latest salary trends for professionals in our region.
Compare by job title and sector
You can search by job title and industry sector to see how your salary compares to your peers or find out about job roles if you want to make a move. The average salary in our region varies across our core specialism sectors. After Executive positions, which you would expect to command the highest pay, the latest trends show that the region’s Technology sector has the highest average salary of £42,000. For the Accountancy sector, the average salary is £32,000, followed by the HR at £31,500 and then Marketing and Digital at £30,000. The average Office Support salary is £24,500.
Compare by county
Because salaries will differ due to location related factors such as the cost of living, looking at national average salaries can be misleading. With Compare My Salary you can benchmark your salary against like-for-like roles in each county across the Eastern region for more realistic results. For those in Executive positions or working in the HR or Technology sector, the current trends show that the highest average salaries are in Essex and Suffolk. While Cambridgeshire has the highest average sector salaries for Accountancy, Marketing and Digital and Office Support.
Compare by upper and lower salary quartiles
If you are looking to understand more about salary progression opportunities or the starting salary you could expect if you were to change position, then Compare My Salary also provides details of the upper and lower salary quartiles within sectors. The latest findings show that Executive positions have the biggest difference, with £57,250 between the lowest quartile and upper quartile salary. This is followed by positions in the Technology sector with a difference of £26,233. The smallest difference is in Office Support with a £13,000 difference between the lowest quartile of £19,000 and upper quartile of £32,500.
Compare against experience
Salaries are often correlated to how many years of experience people have. Compare My Salary also gathers and shares trends on salary against years of experience within the sector to give you a better insight on how your salary may progress. The current trends show that those with 10 to 14 years’ experience within the Accountancy and Marketing and Digital sectors receive the highest salaries. For the Office Support sector those with 15 to 19 years of experience are paid the most and for Executive positions and the Technology and HR sectors, those with 20 years or more experience command the highest salaries.
Compare benefits
Your salary is only one element of your overall renumeration package. The benefits offered by your employer could also save you significant money or impact on your levels of engagement and work life balance, influencing how satisfied you are with your pay. Compare My Salary also tracks the percentage of people who receive benefits in each sector for you to compare against. Through this we are continuing to see an increase in people being given flexible working and additional annual leave as part of their benefit packages. For example, 27% of people in the HR sector receive additional annual leave and 26% in this sector benefit from flexible working hours.
Compare bonuses
Your annual income will also depend on whether you receive any form of bonus. Finding out about bonuses can be even harder than searching for salary information, but Compare My Salary also provides details of the percentage of people in your sector who receive a bonus and what the average amount is. Currently, those in Executive positions are most likely to receive a bonus (51%) with the average bonus being £10,000. After that, 39% of those in the Technology sector receive a bonus, with the average amount being £3,000. To find out more about what your job role is worth and your market value visit www.comparemysalary.co.uk