This year we were wondering what would be an amusing thing we could do to raise some money for Children in Need? Fancy Dress? Jokes? Forfeits? All amusing, but not quite enough… so we decided that sending some Directors to work on our IT help desk would be far more amusing, for everyone else. So this Friday, the average age of the helpdesk team will rise considerably due to our new additions, Kevin and James! It must be said that both are no strangers to providing helpful and friendly IT support and advice, but it also must be said that they were fairly well acquainted with Windows 95 and computer mice with actual roller balls inside. So if you call us this Friday, please do be aware, that the (older)newbies may pick up the phone or your support ticket, please be gentle! If either one of them tries the old “switch it off, switch it on again” trick be sure to report them to their line manager! Of course we are very grateful to Kevin and James for getting in to the spirit of things, so if you could spare a few pounds for Children in Need, it would be greatly received. Please do click here to use our Justgiving link if possible.