Covid 19: The Recovery

Perhaps we can now see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel?

Or is it the headlight from the Covid-Express thundering down the tunnel straight towards us?

At P+P, we like to think and believe that, with the impact of lockdown 3, allied to a really strong roll-out of the vaccine programme, things are improving and will continue to do so through the spring and summer of 2021. There is no doubt that discipline on a personal and business level remains vitally important if the situation is not to degrade once more. However, none of us can ignore the importance of the economy and the performance of our business in these often delicate and trying times.

Thoughts on the Recovery

The following are some thoughts and points to be considered in the next few weeks as the situation continues to develop.

  • Keep Safe. Look to maintain the good disciplines of social distancing and cleanliness at all times and in all situations.
  • Are many of your staff still remote (home) working? If so, do you have a plan for e-integrating them into the workplace? Or is some level of distance working to become permanent for your organisation?
    • Has this been discussed with staff?
    • Is this a company policy issue or will personal preference/needs be factored in?
    • Does the current and future infrastructure of the company support the aspirations of the staff?
    • Are there any equipment or infrastructure related issues to be agreed /resolved?
    • Any other issues that are specific to your business or staff?

We recommend the process is planned, there is plenty of consultation and involvement of staff and, as appropriate, a flexible approach is taken.

Best practice management systems

This fits very nicely into the stipulations and best practice of your management system registrations with regards to:

  • Understanding the needs of interested parties
  • Communication and consultation
  • Controlling and managing change and improvement effectively.

There are also potential effects on Environmental Impacts and updates to Health & Safety Risk Assessments.

Whatever your situation and requirements P+P is here to give support and advice. This can be on a remote basis, or as policy and practice dictates, we are now prepared and able to carry out site reviews/meetings.

Contact us at:

Tel:                    01284 330400

Email:               [email protected]


We work with small to medium size businesses across the East Anglia Region.


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Gold and Strategic Partners