The Captain & Crew at Fawcett HQ are simply delighted to announce that Captain Fawcett has been shortlisted for the British Chambers of Commerce Awards as The Global Player for 2022. This most prestigious recognition comes due to the King’s Lynn based company’s nomination from the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce. 80% of Captain FawcettFirst Class Gentlemans Grooming Requisites’ are exported worldwide into over 48 countries and the company has been relentless in expanding its already significant horizon to secure new markets, such as USA, China & India, despite the ongoing European export difficulties posed by Brexit. Captain Fawcett founder Richie Finney says “All at Fawcett HQ are chuffed to bits with this most prestigious recognition from the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce and as such shall be found celebrating with a cup of Rosie Lee & a slice of Victoria Sponge! The Norfolk Chamber of Commerce is of huge value to Norfolk business of all sizes. From advising sole traders and start-ups to providing international trade support for companies exploring global markets, they are an outstanding source of support and expertise. In addition to offering superb networking opportunities and sharing business acumen, the Norfolk Chamber gives a voice to local and regional issues at a national level. I suggest any serious business considers joining their local Chamber of Commerce, thereby playing a part enhancing economic growth in their region and helping influence decisions made both locally and in Westminster. Meanwhile, well done to all the other highly regarded nominations. Huzzah!


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