A trio of shop volunteers have joined forces and are encouraging others to support a leading children’s charity. Pam Baker, Wendy Foulger and Christina Welham give up precious time to work in the East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) shop in Market Place, Bungay. There are 44 of the charity’s stores dotted across the region and it is one of 13 in Suffolk. EACH supports families and cares for children and young people with life-threatening conditions. It relies on voluntary donations for the majority of its income and needs to raise £5.4 million from its shops during 2022. Pam has been working in the Bungay shop since a fortnight before it opened five years ago. She lends her services on Tuesdays and Saturdays. “I wanted to do something useful, meet new people and start volunteering for a great cause,” said the 75-year-old, who lives in nearly Ellingham. “My children are grown up and I find it gives me a real sense of purpose. “I love it and always enjoy my days in the shop, spending time with customers and colleagues. “I find the work useful and like sorting through donations. I’ll help with anything in the shop but generally concentrate on our bric-a-brac section. “I’d certainly recommend volunteering to anyone, of any age. “It gives you the chance to do something you wouldn’t normally do and it’s also a great way to boost confidence. “It’s fantastic in that respect and I’ve worked with lots of people who say it really helped them. “David Scott, our manager, encourages everyone and helps them get the best from their volunteering. No-one is ever made to felt inadequate or not part of the team. “People of all ages volunteer here, from retired people like myself to young people doing their Duke of Edinburgh awards. “It’s brilliant for them and gives them a taste of what the real world is like.” Husband John also lends his support by repairing clocks, to be sold in the shop. Wendy, 73, has been volunteering for three years this month and enjoys being around customers, having previously run her own jewellery shop. Given her knowledge and experience, she takes the lead when it comes to donations of gold and silver jewellery. She also keeps the shop tidy and culls stock after a month on the shelves, to keep the store fresh and updated. “I love it and enjoy being here,” she said. “The people I work with are lovely. “Volunteering gets me out of the house and makes me feel useful. “When I had my own shop I used to love chatting to customers. That’s something I missed before starting here so it’s nice to have that social side back in my life. “It’s great building a rapport with people and trying to help them. “Volunteering is definitely something I’d recommend to anyone and, of course, it’s lovely to support such a special cause. “Jewellery is my niche and my special interest. It’s what I have the most interest in and everyone can bring something to the table, depending on their knowledge.” Christina, 67, is passionate about volunteering. It was something she started before retiring, having worked for the NHS for 35 years. “It’s something I’ve felt strongly about since hearing about EACH’s great work at Quidenham (its former Norfolk hospice, before opening The Nook in 2019),” she said. “It’s a very special cause. “When I retired two and a half years ago, I already knew I wanted to do some volunteering. “EACH was the obvious choice and I haven’t looked back since. “In addition, it gives me structure and that’s very important to me. I need it. “It’s also lovely giving something back to the community and one of the main things I do is dress the shop window. “I’d always recommend volunteering and often encourage others to get involved.” For more information about volunteering, head to www.each.org.uk/get-involved/volunteering or email volunteerservices@each.org.uk Photo credit EACH – Slideshow left to right – Christina Welham, Pam Baker, Wendy Foulger


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