Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 27/05/2020 2:00 pm

End Date / Time: 27/05/2020 3:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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Making things happen is hard isn’t it? It requires momentum, focus, goals, drive, motivation and a whole host of other abilities. Most importantly, productivity is a skill. It is a skill you can learn, and this session is all about taking steps in that direction.

We are all under a lot of stress right now. There is increased pressure in creating a new normal and pushing to remain productive. For some of us, now is not the time to worry about productivity, and there is nothing wrong with that. For others, however, focus and remaining productive helps us to deal with the challenges we face right now. This workshop is for you, if you want to keep productivity up and take the time to improve yourself, you are in the right place!

What We’ll Cover

In this session we’ll look at:

  • What is productivity?
  • Increasing our self awareness
  • Quick wins and simple changes to make
  • The long game and creating lasting change

The idea is you will have some simple things to put into place immediately, tactics which will impact your productivity quickly. For those of you who want to develop productivity as a skill we will start to look in more detail at creating a lasting productive mentality in ourselves.

Who is This Session For?

  • Anyone working from home and struggling to remain productive
  • Anyone overwhelmed in projects, emails and work
  • Anyone who wants to get more out of the limited hours in the day
  • Anyone who wants to free up more hours in their day

Delivered by Andy Narayn-Barrow from Hethel Innovation. Andy is the Deputy Innovation Manager of the Business Development Team and has worked in high demand environments for several years. From the daily pressure of working on set for TV, through to setting up and running two of his own businesses. Productivity is an obsession for Andy and the ability to improve ourselves constantly is something he has been working on for years.

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 27/05/2020 2:00 pm

End Date / Time: 27/05/2020 3:30 pm

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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