Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 31/03/2020 9:00 am
End Date / Time: 31/03/2020 10:00 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Book NowWe are now living in unprecedented times; our lives have been turned upside down by the global spread of Coronavirus, and our businesses have been forced into a place full of uncertainty and confusion. Unsurprisingly we see many examples of the true British spirit emerging daily, as we find ourselves challenging the negative narrative and fake information that’s being bandied about news and social media channels.
Technology is allowing us to facilitate the move to home working for those whose role supports it. For some, this will be adopted early and efficiently, however for others this will prove to be a significant change in how they manage their outputs, how they remain focused and, importantly, how they maintain their levels of wellbeing and motivation. Being part of ‘the team’ at the office allows for extrinsic motivation levels to remain high, as each team member creates positive energy through collaborative achievement. Working in the office, or remotely away from home, allows your employees to effectively compartmentalise home life with work life. Having the ability to switch off one activity whilst performing the other is critical in maintaining a highly productive working style, and, by doing so, enables family or personal time to re-energise you.
To make this forced transition as successful as possible, it is important for employers to establish a mechanism that can accurately determine what is required by each ‘home worker’ on an individual basis. The physical and psychological needs of each team member will vary significantly based on their personal situation. We know that work provides us with an income; however, it provides us with much more. It provides us with a feeling of social inclusion and a real sense of purpose, both of which could easily be lost if we do not effectively manage the home workers’ requirements and outputs, along with organisational expectations during these challenging times.
In this fully interactive and thought provoking webinar led by Maytrix, we will explore the key areas for managing the remote team successfully, and allow opportunities for you to ask questions and add value.
The session will feature topics such as:
- Creating the right workspace at home
- Establishing the ‘psychological contract’
- Maintaining connectivity with the team
- Leading a remote team effectively
Please subscribe to the free webinar using the link here, and you will receive confirmation and instructions on how to join us on the day via email.
We look forward to delivering a factual, informative and interactive workshop. If you would like any further details, or if you have any questions, please email [email protected].
Venue: UK
Start Date / Time: 31/03/2020 9:00 am
End Date / Time: 31/03/2020 10:00 am
Member Rate: Free
Non-Member Rate: Free
Book Now