Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 03/07/2018 9:00 am

End Date / Time: 03/07/2018 11:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Can you talk to small groups of sixth formers about your organisation and career?

We are inviting individuals from a range of businesses and organisations to a speed networking event to meet our sixth formers in small groups and talk to them about their roles, career pathways, key skills and qualities. The aim is to introduce sixth formers to different industries and careers to help them make informed decisions about their own future.

Employers will be grouped into zones, and students will rotate around after 5 – 6 minutes to enable them to meet as many organisations as possible.

Refreshments will be provided for guests and staff will supervise at all times.

If you would like to find out more, please email [email protected]

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 03/07/2018 9:00 am

End Date / Time: 03/07/2018 11:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

Gold and Strategic Partners