Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 10/03/2021 9:00 am

End Date / Time: 10/03/2021 10:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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You won’t need reminding that the transition period for the United Kingdom leaving the EU finally came to an end at the start of 2021. And yes, despite all the talk of a no-deal scenario, an agreement was finally reached before Brexit became a reality.

Over the years since the referendum in 2016, Rotterdam – as one of the main ports for import and export between the EU and UK – had worked hard on its preparations and the end of the transition was as smooth as could be hoped. It is not for us to judge how well things have been handled on the UK side but we do know there is lots to learn from each other’s experiences.

Now that the first two months are behind us, would you say that the logistical systems are functioning well or are there still problems? How are companies that do lots of business between the EU and UK managing? Is the impact less for those with offices in both locations? What effect will the implementation of full customs checks on goods imported from the EU to the UK have when the grace period ends in July?

All this and more will be up for discussion in our Port Call International event on 10 March. High on the agenda will be stage 2 of the UK’s Border Operating Model, due to come into force on 1 April . The expectation is that this may well lead to a new round of border delays due to companies not being sufficiently prepared.

There are also other systems and regulations on the horizon that require a great deal from importers and exporters in terms of preparation. And then, of course, we still have the application of the ‘rules of origin’ to take into account.

In summary, the next phase of Brexit is upon us and it is crucial that everyone on both sides of the channel and North Sea are on the same page and know what to expect. Cooperation is key and we will look at this in depth during the Port Call International. If you’re doing business between the UK and EU, or vice versa, this informative online event is sure to be of value.

Speaking at the event will be Kevin Walsh from LV Shipping, Strategic Partner of the Norfolk Chambers of Commerce.

Venue: UK

Start Date / Time: 10/03/2021 9:00 am

End Date / Time: 10/03/2021 10:00 am

Member Rate: Free

Non-Member Rate: Free

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